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the 36 turkeys for VMS: A new serial for VMS
We initiate here a serial about VMS.
VMS was designed with a great effort of mind. It's an OS with a philosophy behind it.
Our VMS Bible, with Alpha internals complements, and surely great articles in the Digital Technical Journal, help to understand it, the choices, the structuration, the arbitrations between drawbacks and benefits.
One specificity of this book is that every chapter has an epigraph. Funny or serious these epigraphs not only witness of the great culture of the writers, but are always very close of the chapter content. It is “the idea behind the idea”.
Our serial will use that to introduce to the specific VMS culture.
The writer is a VMS consultant, neither an expert nor a newbie.
The point here is a sort of vulgarization serial, designed from a special stand point, an opportunity given to specialists to collaborate in a sort of VMS encyclopedia.
The method:
- We will produce each month an introduction to one of the 36 chapters of VMS Internals,
- We will talk first of the epigraph,
- We will signal the relation between the idea in the epigraph and some parts of the chapter contents,
- We will point by this reference a specificity of VMS,
- We will explore on the other resources the evolution of the concept through Alpha, Itanium (optional),
- We will point out some differences between VMS and other OS (optional),
- We will open the discussion: experts could write critics, add comments or other resources, which will included in our serial episode.
We hope to make this way the VMS culture attractive for newbies, and prove VMS community is able to innovate in collaborative authoring. We think that to introduce very serious topic by references which are together a little more light and a little more fundamental is a very good inheritance from the VMS pionners way of working for a design.
The idea came as a thanksgiving gift (Special thanksgiving for VMS), and it is the explanation of the serial title “Turkey”.
Turkey 1 was written in two hours, because we wanted to publish it when there were yet turkeys on the tables somewhere in the world. So it is brief and only one or two technical issues are mentioned. We will not be spoilers, read it, we just can say it’s about “the return of the king”, sort of signature for our 31th July 2014: turkey 1
Now, for the same reasons, the technical way of opening collaboration is an email: Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.
We will do our best to improve that.
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I wrote here last July an Open letter to Meg Witman. I received an indirect answer with the creation of VSI, which takes over VMS development for the next decades, re-opens the Itanium market to make it a profitable end, gives a smooth transition for HP-UX customers basis, and projects to make VMS on x86 a real new challenger in dependable OSes at the horizon of 2018.
The event is of the same importance of Microsoft taking over the desk OS from IBM. Not billions uncertain acquisition, like we see with big companies, just a right economic alliance. Today Mr Bill Gates is the richer man in the world. We wish the same success for Harry, Sue and Eddie. They deserve it. Perhaps they just hope to demonstrate “doing the right thing” is a good way to success.
The train which will officially start in spring 2015 can be named upon Ken Olsen. VSI people, a majority from Boston high universities area, know a lot about Ken’s inheritance. “Doing the right thing” has been the maxim of Digital which placed users interests at the first place. And Digital has been a huge success in the history on computers companies. Science and hearing of users as a key for success. It is this type of development strategy that VSI takes giving a new future for an OS, VMS, which has been of equal importance as Unix sometimes.
This project is a win-win-win-win.
- Oracle was right thinking the “only Itanium” strategy was wrong.
- HP was right thinking declining VMS ecosystem deserved another way of investment.
- US court was right making Oracle moderate its way out of Itanium.
- The fourth win is probably even better. OSes for dependable systems became a not-so-huge market, but they serve very important sites (health systems, transportation, financials, large resellers,…) and the huge reaction from the users of VMS last year proved the vitality of these ecosystems. The VMS ecosystem needs a very-long-term engagement (VMS on x86 or VMWare), and, in the same time, a very conservative path using the existent line of products (Itanium). The one actor who was missing: just an investor. With VSI we have together a non-only Itanium VMS, but also a huge profit for all actors with the last decade for Itanium, a specific investment for a not-so-huge-today market, allied with huge companies acting in the main stream. A new train, joining glorious pasts with innovative futures, deploying specifics for dependable systems as neighbors of global hyper-scaled lesser exigent systems.
This letter is a command. One of the new friends my work for VMS opened for me, Mr Olaf Leonhardt, is worrying about a potential lateness for our train. Olaf is manager of an IT system on VMS and Oracle database for a company in Europe with more than 12000 employees. Beside our exceptionally friendship, Olaf is not so exceptional: VMS sites use often Oracle databases, and VMS sites are often at the heart of big companies.
However, it seems Oracle is at risk of missing the “rendez-vous”. Olaf and us are waiting for official engagements for Oracle 11g, Oracle 12, Oracle rdb on the new versions of VMS supported by VSI. It seems it is not a technical issue, just some organizational delays, or perhaps the impossibility of thinking about new alliances with actors among them they are ancient “enemies”.
So Safra, Marc, just think about it. The database market is evolving, the Open Source solutions are more and more present, new actors appear and want to put away the too weighted ancestors. You have got with VMS or HP-UX a very loyal customers basis. Yes, they are yet on Itanium, and you could imagine that you help them only constrained by law. Not too sexy, isn’t it? Taking the VSI new train you have the opportunity to prove that Oracle had a very interest for its customer when it warned about Itanium, and that, because for now there is a real future after Itanium, it is time to help your loyal customers to live where they are and to think about futures with you.
And, moreover, the whole IT world needs a signal. Yes, some main stream is wealthy, and, somehow, useful. But some other IT domains must be supported, the ones who were at the foundation of the IT uses, uses on which a lot of very useful functions exists: health systems, large range resellers, transportation control, financials… IT is a serious domain, in which support for very high quality is necessary, even when immediate profit is not here. As PC line of investment has been a very good bet, VMS line of investment is a good bet. Do take the train.
Somehow it is a paradox. What Olaf and us are demanding from Oracle, as what that was decided with creation of VSI, is “at no cost”. Publishing engagements about Oracle databases is at no cost, because the technical issues are not too far from being already resolved. HP taking over VMS to VSI is a no cost solution for HP. And it seems these two no cost solutions involved a very hard decision making process, which had to be encouraged by open letters from customers. In the same time Oracle or HP could pay billions for more uncertain bets. Meg, Safra, Marc, are we too inexpensive? If you think it will be more serious to spend money, do create foundations for the resiliency of dependable systems, just reconciliate on such projects, promote VSI line of products, found universities enabling transmission of knowledge between IT founders and young geniuses, think about preserving multi-paces lines of investment… Our European think tanks miss perhaps yet some little more decisions from you, but we don’t miss innovative ideas. Do take the old-new train with us.
A very good new year for everyone, and, do remember, Safra and Marc, for our little gifts, just an agenda, please.
Best regards,
Gérard Calliet, Olaf Leonhardt
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HP-Interex har genomfört sin enkät på två sätt:
- genom ett detaljerat frågeformulär som omfattar de flesta av våra frågeställningar. Det här formuläret finns på engelska och på franska och kan fyllas i direkt online eller skickas till HP-Interex,
- genom en telefonkampanj med ett antal enkla frågor som riktar sig till de franska eller fransktalande kontakter som vi framför allt skaffat oss under TUD-mötet i Paris.
Vi har hittills fått in ganska få svar genom det första tillvägagångssättet, men innehållet har varit mycket intressant. I våra huvudartiklar kommer vi att återge de frågeställningar, analyser och råd som vi fått i enkäten. Vi kommer också att använda dem som utgångspunkt för diskussioner i ett forum som vi planerar att lansera snart.
Telefonkampanjen väckte ett stort intresse hos de personer som vi kontaktade.
Bland alla dem vi kontaktat visade 69 % intresse för enkäten.
Sammanfattningsvis har vi hittills fått in ett trettiotal svar från representanter för företag som aktivt använder OpenVMS.
Det här antalet är mycket lägre än det exakta antalet franska eller franskspråkiga webbplatser: storföretagen sköter sina relationer på ett anonymare sätt, direkt med HP. Många av de små och medelstora företagen, organen för lokala offentliga tjänster, föreningar och industriavdelningar har passiva eller relativt passiva webbplatser och dem har vi ingen kontakt med.
Vi ställde följande frågor per telefon:
- industrisektor?
- använder ni VAX, Alpha eller Itanium?
- vilka följder får beslutet som fattades i juni 2013 för er?
- vilka följder får det för er relation med HP?
- vilket scenario tycker ni skulle vara bäst:
- en fortsättning för OpenVMS under ett HP-konsortium/tredje part/klienter
- en fortsättning för OpenVMS under en större aktör
- övergång av hela eller delar av OpenVMS till Open Source
- accepterar ni att era åsikter publiceras i ert namn
- vill ni bli underrättad om de åtgärder som HP-Interex kommer att vidta beträffande OpenVMS
(Functions : 1) General Management of company, 2) IT Management of company, 3) IT manager, 4) Expert )
(Wich Hardware ; How many Itanium : less than 5, between 5 to 10 between 10 to 50, above 50)
(Inticipated cost impacts : 1) light, 2) important, 3) havy, 4) very havy)
(Impact on the relationship with HP : 1) light, 2) waiting for efforts from HP, 3) partial loss of trust in HP, 4) total loss of trust in HP)
Det är uppenbart att beslutet framkallar en allvarlig kris och att förtroendet för HP skadats i mycket hög grad.
En del märkliga situationer har uppstått: minst två webbplatser höll på att gå över från VAX till Itanium och de befinner sig nu i en rätt paradoxal situation.
Majoriteten exprim åsikter om förändrade aktörer scenariot:
(1) moving to Open Source, 2) recovery by an IT major, 3) recovery by a HP / third party / customers consortium)
Flertalet av aktörerna accepterar att deras åsikter publiceras. Det är ännu ett tecken på krisens allvar. Ekosystemet OpenVMS är i vanliga fall en mycket diskret krets. Den här beteendeförändringen kan bara förklaras som ett uttryck för en stark irritation.
Likväl publicerar vi inte reaktionerna med namnuppgift (utom efter direkt uppmaning). Vi nämner bara sektor och typ av företag. Vi gör valet med upphöjt lugn: enligt oss är det hur som helst viktigt att inte någon analys påverkas av aktörer inom kretsar som sysslar med utvärdering eller beslutsfattande, vare sig internt eller externt.Tjänster (1)Offentliga
Sektor :
- Tjänster (1)
- IT-företag (5)
- Bank (1)
- Finans (4)
- Transport (3)
- Hälsa (3)
- Kemisk industri (2)
- Telefon (2)
- Bil (1)
- Stålindustrin (1)
- Aeronautics (1)
- Kärnkraft (1)
- Andra Industries (4)
Det första resultatet är naturligtvis bara ett delresultat. Vi når bara den franskspråkiga allmänheten, och bara en bråkdel av den. Dessutom har frågor per telefon en mycket begränsad räckvidd.
Vi uppmanar därför alla läsare att gå vidare med den här verksamheten och besvara det detaljerade frågeformuläret eller på annat sätt delge oss sina synpunkter.
HP-Interex France avslutar med den här publiceringen sitt arbete under andra halvåret 2013 för OpenVMS. Finansieringen av den här verksamheten fastställdes i juli 2013 till ett belopp av 10 000 €. Hittills har 8 500 € använts. Den här budgeten är naturligtvis väldigt liten i jämförelse med de finansiella insatser för OpenVMS som krävs nu. För HP-Interex-gruppen utgör den emellertid en betydande insats. Vad som närmast ligger framför oss är också att fundera över finansieringen. Den kan ske genom medlemmar, genom sponsring och med stöd av huvudleverantören. Det är viktigt för oss att påpeka att alla insatser medför en kostnad och att allt kan göras på ett transparent sätt.
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