VMS ecosystem revisited




OpenVMS Technical Update Day

Mardi 6 décembre 2016 à Boulogne-Billancourt


Chers amis d’OpenVMS,

HPE France et l’association HP-Interex France vous invitent le mardi 6 décembre à une journée
« OpenVMS Technical Update Day » dédiée à ce système historique en plein renouveau.

Vous pouvez donc marquer la date sur vos agendas : 

Mardi 6 décembre à Boulogne Billancourt dans les locaux d’HPE Formation
au 20 quai du Point du Jour 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt.

L’actualité OpenVMS c’est d’abord la reprise du développement par VMS Software Inc et la livraison

de deux nouvelles versions, ainsi qu’un plan de route ambitieux sur Itanium, Alpha et bientôt x86.

Nous aurons la participation exceptionnelle du fondateur et Chairman de VSI, Johan Gedda qui

présentera (en français !) la stratégie et le plan de route.

HPE présentera le plan de route des serveurs et du stockage pour OpenVMS afin de compléter le tableau

pour les projets de rafraichissement et d’évolution de la base installée Alpha comme Integrity

(ou émulateurs), sans oublier l’offre de services.

Nous aurons des témoignages et retours d’expérience d’utilisateurs et d’intégrateurs sur la mise en

œuvre des nouvelles versions d’origine VSI.

Dans l’esprit contributif traditionnel des réunions autour d’OpenVMS, les participants seront sollicités

pour donner leur avis sur l’évolution des offres VSI et HPE.

HP-Interex France présentera un projet de refonte du club utilisateurs pour rétablir une situation

d’interlocuteur reconnu susceptible de soutenir efficacement la transition de l’écosystème.

Venez nombreux pour cette journée dédiée à ce système passionnant qu’est toujours OpenVMS.

PS : n’hésitez pas à transmettre cette invitation à vos relations intéressées par OpenVMS

Pour s'inscire : faire un mail à : 

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Sujet : inscription séminaire OpenVMS-TUD du 6 décembre 2016

Donner Nom, Prénom, Société


L'équipe HPE OpenVMS, HP-Interex France & VMS Software Inc

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VSI met her commitments and the official announce is made:

The marketing and diffusion chanels are ready, from HP and VSI. Your HP representatives will soon contact you for the details. HP publish the offer on its official internet site: http://www8.hp.com/us/en/products/servers/openvms/what.html#!&pd1=1

It is of high interest for the VMS community to be the most reactive as possible, to help this VMS return to the market being a big success.

To help, there are three forms of actions to be made:

  •         To make available a maximum of witnesses, on technical, financial, uses topics about VMS ; we have to help the managers make the good decisions,
  •           We absolutly need to be able to tell VSI about the used products, software, tools used on VMS, inside VMS and developped by other companies ; the life on VMS has to be perennial and comfortable,
  •           We have to relink between VMS actors, users, consultants, resellers, hobbyists,… ; ending the last shrinking and atomized phase to renew a living community.

On these three form of action, we ask you:

  •         To send a maximum of witnesses ; a sentence, a figure, an evaluation, an article: every contribution will be published on our site,
  •          To list all your needs in terms of applications, products, softwares, all the addresses of the suppliers to contact ; we will transmit that locally in France (see below) and to VSI,
  •           To be part of the forum we organize on our site.


Send a mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or register into our forum http://www3.hp-interex.fr/index.php/fr/forum/index


VMS Friends forum

This forum is accessible with registration. It is moderate by the HP-Interex France group in the beginning. The moderation group will grow, welcoming who wants to be involved.

After registration and a first presentation, the registered is part of the general forum.

We can also, on demand, create private rooms, organized under cooptation. We know some VMS users need strong confidentiality, but also appreciate communication. We will organize the private rooms collaborating with whom want to create one, and specifying together the confidentiality rules.


User test and ISV validation in Emea

We have the luck in France to have two HP members very implicated for VMS, Mr Benoît Maillard and Mr Christophe Bedin. They have successfully organized a way of making available an Itanim i4 machine (RX2800) with OpenVMS 8.4-1H1

This platform can be used for users tests or ISV validations for software on OpenVMS. You anly need to contact Benoît or Christophe by mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ou This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

They will answer according to the availability of the platform.

Keep in touch, send us your ideas, it is just the beginning of a big experience.

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The OpenVMS Bolton (8.4-1H1) is going to manufacturing. VSI did what was promised and we’ll get the version before this spring end.

Little less than two years after the EOL announce for VMS, the VMS ecosystem is going its new way. The field test has been a success, with more than 40 important sites, which is beyond average for this sort of operation. The market channels are going up with good collaboration with HP and also new independent channels begin to appear.

Beyond the very interesting results for performance on Itanium i4, which re-open serene future for big users, perhaps the most thrilling message is about trade-in announces, even in contexts where there were no more support contracts. The message is evident: VSI wants to reconquer all the OpenVMS base, with a special attention to the lesser companies which have had gradually abandoned the fight.

It is the signification of our title. The long term VSI strategy will make of VMS something ordinarily known. When OpenVMS will be on x86 and other architectures, one will buy VMS as he can buy Apple, Windows, Red Hat. And the firsts to be served will be the loyal VMS base going out its little slumber.

We will go back with all the details, and we will propose to the VMS ecosystem ways to act. But,  for the moment, it is time to enjoy the event, and to measure an event which will contribute to change the trustable and sustainable domains in IT.

Do take your order books !!



We take the risk of appearing too lyric, in a very serious domain – but we think our managers do like also humour – we dedicate the old song to VSI.

(american) http://songs.2quakers.net/cat-came-back

(canadian, forget the advertisement) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bETCusT5kNM

(french) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqwPLMN-XHY

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When we met them last November in Böblingem, Germany, the VSI team engaged itself to publish before the end of the year an official agenda for 2015. It’s done since December, the 18th . VSI is ending 2014 fulfilling its engagements and announces its engagements for 2015.

We have got on the VSI site a letter from Duane Harris, and a form to subscribe for field-tests on February (to submit before the 15th, January).

The documents can be downloaded from VSI site or on our site ( UDP001_pricing  VSI_Field_Test_20152).

It is not the moment to write advanced analysis or new questions to VSI – perhaps should we have as soon as possible the actual content of the version? -. We just are able to affirm 2015 will be a VMS year.

We underline:

-                  The CEO letter makes commitments on dates:

  • February for the field-tests,
  • February for availability of pre-order,
  • Selling in Spring,

-                  The letter and the form list the hardware supported (other to come after Spring, or in demand):

  • RX2800-i2
  • RX2800-i4
  • BL860-i2
  • BL860-i4
  • BL870-i2
  • BL870-i4
  • BL890-i2
  • BL890-i4

-                  The prices are given: same than HP, and 50% trade-in for existent licenses.

It is worthy to note the presence in the prices and in the field-test of the i2 together with the i4: the message is clearly to let the users experience as soon as possible the validity and continuity of the VSI versions of OpenVMS (8.4.1H1 here).

HP-Interex France, with the unshakeable help of HP France, and thanks to support of French VMS professionals, will do best as possible to help for fluency between all actors, to hand round information, questions and answers. We study the possibility a peculiar action to facilitate the field-tests organization for actors who can have difficulties to test on their site. We‘ll let you know later if we have concrete propositions.

For whose can do it, do submit a form for field-test. The places are not in infinite number.

We plan to launch as soon as possible a survey which could help VSI to define their targets. Since that, we collect all questions, recommendations of software or applications on VMS, contacts of interested people.

Waiting for the new moving year, happy holidays and a happy new year!

For HP-Interex France, Gérard Calliet, vice-président.

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