VMS ecosystem revisited

vax 1.jpg

You can answer in line :


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HP-Interex launched its survey by two ways :

  •  making evaillable an in-depth survey form, which get into a maximum of issues, available on line ; this survey form is availale in french and in english,
  • a phoning campaign for a simplified set of questions destinated to french or speaking french people, known as TUD attendees in Paris.

The in line survey permited until these days to collect few answers, but very interesting for their contents. We will resume and analyse issues, analyses, advice that we got in these answers, and use them in future subtantive articles or like introductions for forum threads (we project to create a forum in this site as soon as possible).

The phoning campaign has been well received.

For the significant part of the contacts that we qualified, 69% expressed their interest.

In quantitative terms, the collected answers are 33 from representatives for companies using OpenVMS.

This number is very low compared to the real number of french sites : the greatest companies manage their relationship with HP a more discret way, and a lot of small or middle companies, local public services, assocaitions, industry departments are asleeped or a little bit asleeped, and we have no contact in these cases.

The phoned questions :

  • sector ?
  • have you VAX, Alpha, Itanium ?
  • Impact for you of the June 2013 decision ?
  • Impact for your relationship with HP ?
  • according to you what scenario is conceivable :
    • recovery for OPenVMS by a HP / third party / customers consortium
    • recovery for OpenVMS by an IT  major
    • move of all or of parts of OpenVMS to Open Source
  • do you agree about publication of your name in the results ?
  • do you want to be informed of HP-Interex next action ?

(Functions : 1) General Management of company, 2) IT Management of company, 3) IT manager, 4) Expert )


(Wich Hardware ; How many Itanium : less than 5, between 5 to 10 between 10 to 50, above 50)

(Inticipated cost impacts : 1) light, 2) important, 3) havy, 4) very havy)

(Impact on the relationship with HP : 1) light, 2) waiting for efforts from HP, 3) partial loss of trust in HP, 4) total loss of trust in HP)

 It appears clearly that the June decision causes a pretty serious crisis, and that for a vast majority, there is a loss of trust in HP.

Some peculiar situations are to be mentioned : at least 2 sites were currently in a transition from VAX to Itanium, and are in a pretty paradoxical situation.

The majority exprim opinions about changing actors scenario :

(1) moving to Open Source, 2) recovery by an IT major, 3) recovery by a HP / third party / customers consortium)

The actors majority agree to have their opinions published. It is another symptom of the severity of the crisis. OpenVMS ecosystem is generaly a very unadvertised environment, and this changing way of behavior cannot be explained by anything if not strength of a kind of exasperation.

However (except if they insist to) we don't publish names for the responses. This choice is that of serenity : we don't want the opinions of anyone could be caugh in a web of influence.


  • Services (1)
  • Public Services (1)
  • IT companies (5)
  • Bank (1)
  • Finance (4)
  • Transport (3)
  • Health (3)
  • Chemical Industry (2)
  • Phone (2)
  • Automobile (1)
  • Steel Industry (1)
  • Aeronautics (1)
  • Nuclear (1)
  • Other Industries (4)


These first results are obviously partial. We address, and partialy address, only a french set of users, and the phoned questions are of a restrained perimeter.

So, we invite all our readers to pursue this work with us and to answer to our in-depth survey ( OpenVMS survey (fr)) or else to give us directly all their thoughts (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

 Read also our analyse : Mesure for mesure

HP-Interex France, with this publication, is completing its second semester 2013 work for OpenVMS. The funding of this operation was decided in July 2013, for a total sum of 10,000 € . Today 8,500 € have been used. This budget is of course very smalll in comparison to the current financial issues about OpenVMS. It is a big effort for HP-Interex France association. Our next operations should be thought along with their funding, which will be found from our members, from sponsoring, and with support from the primary supplier. It is important for us to notice that every act has a cost, and  that everything can be measured in a transparent way.

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This item is just a beginning for a long job getting documents and analysis.

We give some points of reference, documents, analysis about "mission critical" fate with HP, Itanium, VMS since 2012. Just a beginning. To crtic, complete...

(We ask for indulgence : lack of time is our most important status).


Mission Critical commitment :

Mission critical adwards : http://h17007.www1.hp.com/us/en/business-critical/integrity/mission-critical-awards.aspx#.Uslf77R_tdI

TCO : http://www8.hp.com/us/en/business-solutions/solution.html?compURI=1349705&jumpid=reg_r1002_usen_c-001_title_r0008#.UslhubR_tdI



Poulson : http://hothardware.com/News/Intels-EightCore-HeavilyUpdated-Itanium-Breaks-Cover-Heads-To-Market/

Against Oracle : http://www.eweek.com/c/a/IT-Infrastructure/Oracle-Releases-Documents-in-Court-Case-With-HP-Over-Itanium-190753/

Difficulties : http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/other/display/20130528215044_HP_Sales_of_Itanium_Based_Servers_Are_Down_37_Year_over_Year.html

 Itanium EOL : http://semiaccurate.com/2013/02/11/hp-and-intel-effectively-kill-off-itanium/

Too Itanium-ed HP : http://www.duquesneadvisory.com/HP-Oracle-and-Itanium-Part-1-is-HP-paying-for-strategic-mistakes_a216.html



Boot Camp juste avant Juin 2013, avenirs possibles pour VMS: Possible Future Directions (Keth Parris) BootCamp 2013

June 2013 letter for OpenVMS customers :  Rick Lewis June 2013 letter

June communication : http://www8.hp.com/us/en/hp-news/press-release.html?id=1424702#.UslpZrR_tdI



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