VMS ecosystem revisited

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  1. Continue our investigation by proposing to expand the number of respondents and to deepen the contents (see Survey)
  2. Make this site a tool for (and by) the OpenVMS community :
    • so, provide us with information,
    • participate in the forum (coming soon on the site),
    • submit feature articles:
      • your analyses,
      • your definition of OpenVMS, its specificities (see What is OpenVMS)
      • specify your needs.
    • To suggest suppliers to submit their offers (sponsored pages or shares).
  3. Launch a news-letter about our work. At the moment all those who responded to our survey are subscribers automatically.
  4. Support all opportunities of meetings for the OpenVMS community (national meetings, European meetings, TUD, bootcamp, webcast, newsletters, individual contacts)
  5. Participate in the establishment of scientific and educational places around for OpenVMS, critical systems, reverse engineering.

These actions are only possible if there are specialy commited actors who support it : we ask those who wish to join us, to participate in the work of HP-Interex France in general, or to volunteer for the drafting of this site (currently reserved for French , Swedish or English speakers :=) ). A working meeting will soon be held in France.

This work is at the very beginning, and it remains to determine more accurately the way for small or large companies, individuals or associations to join ; it remains to organize the structures of communication and organization, or association with other structures ; it remains to devise a sustainable funding. As many things as we will develop with those who join us and we will present on this site or our news letter.

Our contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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