VMS ecosystem revisited


VSI succeed to create the bootable distribution DVD for OpenVMS 8.4.1H1 (17th of March):



(The second link shows a map of VMS users in the world; Sue and Amanda Skonetski manage this project ; do help them (facebook or mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).)

The field test is about to begin.

The time for which we have to wait before using OpenVMS 8.4.1H1 in our sites is now only caused by administrative and market management issues. VSI, HP and all the partners work together to make the first commercialization a great success.

We will inform you about all these issues as we get news.

Today we have to size up the importance of the event.

In a few months VSI did the exploit of reappropriating the whole product, its validation chain, its distribution technical format, while a kind of several years “fork” was in fact on going and involved the necessity of re-engineering, the analysis of Indian team technical choices, the re-formulation in the new and old VSI philosophy.

I quote Clair Grant (VSI) – written in the usenet group comp.os.vms –

“””A little clarification....the fact that we booted is not a big deal

(as you rightly point out) but building the kit from scratch is huge. I
realize that may be difficult to understand but what we sent to the HP
Team in India six years ago isn't exactly what we got back a few months
ago. Their processes and environment are different than ours were in ZK.
They created what they needed as would have any group. We had to figure
out how they worked and recreate what we once knew. They helped us, of
course, but it was still an enormous job just for us to get back into
our own dev and especially test environments and build anything at all,
let alone the complete installation kit which has many wrinkles in
addition to the base operating system. At least for us internally, it
was indeed and a significant milestone.”””

What is said is not a prejudice about the quality of the work of the Indian team, but it is important to underline the difficulty of the operation made in few months, as Clair Grant explains it.

Imagine a resumption after such a “fork” in other technical environments, and you would size up the capacities of the VSI team, and also the intrinsic possibilities of VMS.

This resumption is a big technical event, even if not already too well known.

Another unprecedented aspect of the event is about business. The experts will have to study about an event which deserves a world used till now for psychology or neural sciences: resiliency.

We expect VSI will soon help us saying how we can help VSI. And we have to help ourselves being a pro-active community. As we have news, ideas for initiatives, we will inform you. Another story begins. Stay tuned.

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